Pithampur: On January 6, the Madhya Pradesh government plans to submit a status report to the High Court regarding the hazardous chemical waste from the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal. This report will address the recent controversy surrounding the transportation of 337 metric tonnes of toxic waste to Pithampur, located over 250 km from Bhopal.
Following a court directive on December 3, a three-day operation was carried out to collect the waste from the abandoned Union Carbide site, which was then loaded onto 12 container trucks and transported to Pithampur on January 2.
The transfer has sparked significant protests from Pithampur residents, who are concerned about potential health risks from the toxic waste. These protests have led the state administration to suspend the planned incineration of the waste. The situation has been exacerbated by a lack of effective communication between the authorities and local citizens, resulting in confusion and unrest.
In response to the escalating protests, the state administration has held multiple meetings with community members to address their concerns. After a high-level meeting on January 4, Chief Minister Mohan Yadav stated that the government would provide a comprehensive report on the situation to the High Court and determine the next steps for the waste stored in the trucks.
The Chief Minister emphasized the government’s respect for the residents’ concerns and confirmed that the court would be informed about the public agitation during the hearing on January 6. Previously, the High Court had mandated the state administration to relocate the waste from the 1984 Bhopal Gas Leak and submit a report within three weeks.
As of Sunday, the administration reported that the situation in Pithampur was calm following discussions between local leaders and government officials. Residents have decided to await the court’s hearing on Monday in the Jabalpur bench.