Lucknow: Tragic events unfolded in Lucknow when police arrested a 24-year-old man named Arshad for allegedly murdering his mother and four sisters amid a family dispute. The horrific incident occurred at Hotel Sharanjeet in the Thana Naka area on January 1, coinciding with the start of the new year.
The victims, identified as Alia (9), Alshia (19), Aksa (16), Rahmeen (18), and their mother Asma, were found dead in a hotel room by hotel staff, who promptly contacted law enforcement.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Central Raveena Tyagi reported that upon receiving the call about the five deceased individuals, local police quickly responded to the scene to conduct an investigation.
Arshad, a resident of Agra, was detained after he allegedly confessed to the murders, stating that family issues had led to his actions. He reportedly killed his mother first, followed by his four sisters, possibly while they were sleeping, using a blade.
Other guests in the hotel expressed their shock, mentioning they heard nothing unusual during the incident. Police and forensic teams have secured the scene and are gathering evidence, while senior officials continue to investigate the motives and circumstances surrounding these tragic events. The victims’ bodies have been sent for post-mortem analysis.