Mumbai: Manushi Chhillar, the former Miss World, started 2025 on a spiritual note by visiting the Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai to seek blessings. She shared photos from her visit on Instagram, captioning them as her “first post of 2025.”
In the pictures, she is seen with folded hands in prayer, while a priest applies tilak to her forehead. Prior to this, she reflected on the previous year, describing 2024 as “the most beautiful ending to an incredible year.” Manushi expressed gratitude for the memorable moments shared with her close friends, filled with dancing, singing, and laughter, and thanked Akshay Kumar for uniting them for such special experiences.
Professionally, Manushi made her acting debut in “Samrat Prithviraj” alongside Akshay Kumar, where she played the courageous princess Sanyogita. Since then, she has appeared in films like “Operation Valentine,” “The Great Indian Family,” and “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan.” Her upcoming project is the thriller “Tehran,” directed by Arun Gopalan and featuring John Abraham, which is inspired by true events.