Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav announced that his government is dedicated to addressing the issues faced by workers from defunct mills, ensuring they receive their overdue salaries. He stated that workers will be compensated for their pending payments along with interest dating back to their initial employment. The government has already started resolving disputes between workers and mill owners, with three mills’ issues already settled and plans for others underway.
During an event in Ujjain, CM Yadav mentioned that the situation at Jiyajirao Cotton Mills (JC Mills) in Gwalior will be addressed soon, benefiting over 8,000 workers. Following a recent inspection of JC Mills, he indicated that the state would seek justice for these workers through the High Court, as the mill has been closed for 30 to 40 years.
In December 2023, the government allocated Rs 464 crore for the workers of Hukumchand Mills in Indore, following a directive from the Madhya Pradesh High Court. This mill, one of the largest in Indore, was shut down in 1991 without notice, leaving around 6,000 workers without pay. Over the past 33 years, more than 2,000 of those workers have passed away, and their families continue to seek justice for their unpaid salaries and benefits.