Mumbai: Bollywood actress Mrunal Thakur, known for her versatile roles, recently had a humorous social media mix-up that left fans entertained. The Super 30 star mistook a fan account of Pakistani actress Hania Aamir for her official account and responded to a post praising her, sparking playful reactions online.
The confusion began when Mrunal shared a post from X (formerly Twitter) that lauded her as one of the finest actors of her generation. The post, originating from a fan account of Hania Aamir, read:
“I may be emotional, but for me, @mrunal0801 is the best actor of this generation. She is unparalleled. I don’t see any other actress as versatile as her in India.”
Believing it to be from the Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum actress herself, Mrunal replied:
“Hania, you made my day. Thank you so much, my dear.”
However, fans were quick to point out the error, clarifying that the account was a fan page with a verified blue tick. One user commented, “That’s a fan page,” while another added, “That’s not a real account, Mrunal.”
Despite some light-hearted suggestions to reconsider her PR team, including comments like, “I can help you build your Twitter better than your current team,” the actress handled the situation with grace and humour, responding:
“Hahahaha, so sweet. I’m my team!”
Mrunal’s fans appreciated her light-hearted response and the good-natured way she addressed the mix-up.
On the work front, Mrunal Thakur will next appear in the action-drama Dacoit alongside Adivi Sesh. Directed by Shaneil Deo, the film is set to release later this year.