Mumbai: The Mumbai Police have arrested a henchman of notorious gangster Chhota Rajan, who has been wanted for murder, kidnapping, and illegal weapon possession. The suspect, identified as Raju Vikanya, also known as Vilas Balram Pawar, had been evading capture for 32 years.
Police apprehended him in the Chembur area of Mumbai on Thursday after receiving a tip-off about his location. Pawar faces numerous charges related to murder, ransom kidnapping, and illegal arms across various police stations in Mumbai, and he is set to be presented in a sessions court.
In a related development, the Bombay High Court granted bail to Chhota Rajan in the 2001 murder case of Jaya Shetty in October, setting bail at Rs 1 lakh. Although he had previously been sentenced to life imprisonment for this crime, Rajan was acquitted in 2023 by a special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court regarding the high-profile murder of trade union leader Dr. Datta Samant in 1997. Despite these legal developments, Rajan is unlikely to be released soon, as he is still facing trials for multiple other cases in different cities.