Mumbai: The latest season of MTV Roadies XX, which premiered on 11 January, is already creating waves with its intense drama and thrilling challenges. Hosted by the original Roadie, Rannvijay Singha, the show features gang leaders Neha Dhupia, Prince Narula, Rhea Chakraborty, and Elvish Yadav. In a recent episode, a heated exchange between Neha and Rhea during a task selection process caught viewers’ attention. Rhea’s light-hearted comment using a colloquial term did not sit well with Neha, who quickly responded, “Watch your mouth,” reflecting the competitive tension between the gang leaders.
This is not the first time Neha Dhupia has made headlines on the show. Previously, she gained attention for her powerful statement, “It’s her choice,” during an audition where she criticised a contestant for slapping his girlfriend over infidelity. Her stance against violence sparked widespread debate, with Neha later clarifying that her comments were about opposing violence and acknowledging the complexity of moral choices.
With unpredictable alliances, betrayals and game-changing decisions, Roadies XX: Double Cross continues to keep audiences hooked. Airing on MTV and JioCinema, this season promises to be the boldest yet, where both contestants and gang leaders face gruelling challenges in a high-stakes, adrenaline-fuelled battle of strategy and resilience.