Hyderabad: The police in Hyderabad on Wednesday said that around 2,642 motorists were caught driving under the influence of alcohol during the New Year celebrations.
A senior police official said that the motorists were apprehended during the special drunken driving drive conducted on the intervening night of December 31 and January 1 in the limits of three police commissionerates – Hyderabad, Cyberabad and Rachakonda.
Authorities have earlier increased the security in the city for the safety of citizens on the eve of new year celebrations.
A total of 1,184 drunk driving cases were registered in Hyderabad Commissionerate while 839 persons were caught while driving under the influence of alcohol in Cyberabad Commissionerate limits. Rachakonda Commissionerate saw 619 cases.
During the special drive against drunk driving on December 31 night, 839 persons were booked in Cyberabad.
According to Cyberabad Traffic Police, the New Year celebrations were incident and accident-free.
To prevent road accidents and other untoward incidents, 49 teams of Cyberabad Police conducted drunk driving tests across Cyberabad on the intervening night of December 31 and January 1.
The persons caught included 685 two-wheeler riders and 18 three-wheeler drivers. Police said individuals driving 131 four-wheelers and five heavy vehicles were also booked.