Uttar Pradesh: On November 27, the Uttar Pradesh (UP) authorities released photos of several individuals, including three women, allegedly involved in the violent clashes in Sambhal on Sunday. The rioters attacked both the police and a mosque survey team. The women are accused of aiding stone-pelters during the violent confrontation between protesters and law enforcement..
Sri Lanka: Over 82,000 people have been affected, and one person has died due to inclement weather conditions in Sri Lanka, an official said on Wednesday. Assistant Director of Disaster Management Center (DMC) Janaka Handunpathiraja said in a voice message to the media that 82,796 people belonging to 24,159 families in 15 administrative districts have.
New Delhi [India]: The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) has arrested Delhi-based importers Mayank Dang and Tushar Dang in connection with the Birfa IT case under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002. According to the probe agency, the duo was presented before the Hon’ble Special Court in Dwarka, which remanded them.
Telangana: Tensions escalated in Dilawarpur, Telangana’s Nirmal district, as protests against the establishment of an ethanol factory turned violent on November 27. For the second consecutive day, villagers from Dilawarpur mandal blocked the Nirmal-Bhainsa national highway, with women protesters carrying bottles of pesticides and threatening suicide to halt the factory’s construction. Protesters, carrying placards and.
New Delhi: India has expressed its support for the recent ceasefire agreement between Israel and Lebanon, with the Ministry of External Affairs highlighting that this decision aligns with India’s call for de-escalation in the region. The statement emphasized India’s longstanding advocacy for restraint and a return to dialogue and diplomacy, hoping that these developments will.
Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar (Punjab): The Anti-Gangster Task Force, in collaboration with Sahibzada Ajit Singh (SAS) Nagar Police, had apprehended two operatives associated with the Davinder Bambiha Gang, Punjab Director General of Police stated on Wednesday. Taking to social media platform X, Punjab DGP Gaurav Yadav stated that the arrested individuals were reportedly handled by.
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Ashok Chavan stated on November 27 that the formation of the Maharashtra government would involve consensus among all parties. In an interview, he emphasized, “Since there is an alliance of three parties, any decisions will be made only after thorough discussions. It’s only been four days since the.
Madhya Pradesh: In a tragic incident in Shivpuri district, Madhya Pradesh, a 30-year-old Dalit man named Vishnu Jatav died from injuries sustained after being brutally beaten. Four suspects have been detained in connection with the attack, which occurred on Tuesday under the jurisdiction of Subhashpura police station. The assault was recorded and shared on social.
Chandigarh [India]: Two deputy superintendents of police and 15 inspectors have been reassigned to different positions in Chandigarh, following an order from the Chandigarh Superintendents of Police on Tuesday. This decision comes in the wake of an explosion reported outside the De’Orra Alehouse and Kitchen restaurant in Sector 26. According to the announcement, DSP Udaypal.
Haryana: The tragic incident in Haryana has raised concerns in the community. A young man’s body was discovered in the bushes along the canal’s edge, with visible signs of injury on his face. He was found in a partially clothed state, and authorities are treating this case with serious concern. The local authorities were quick.