Uttar Pradesh: The police in Uttar Pradesh have decided to digitally record the attendance of their officers at the Maha Kumbh 2025 while paving the way for the idea of ‘Digital Kumbh.’
In a statement issued by UP Police this has saved time that was spent in taking attendance of personnel and also allowed for easier maintenance of records.
The statement also reads that Uttar Pradesh Police is realising the vision of Yogi government’s digital Maha Kumbh. The attendance of police personnel, which was recorded on paper earlier, has become digital attendance in Maha Kumbh.
“All the police personnel who have come for duty in Maha Kumbh-2025 are being trained for duty in the fair. The attendance of all the police personnel undergoing training is being recorded biometrically,” it added.
Around 50,000 police personnel have been deployed to ensure that the devotees will be having a safe bathing experience to 40 crore participants attending the Kumbh.
Senior Superintendent of Police Rajesh Dwivedi also mentioned that the police personnel deployed are being trained in soft skills, and disaster management, and are being informed about the geography and other things.
“During this time, the attendance of all the police personnel is being recorded in a biometric way. This saves time in marking attendance and also makes it easier to maintain records. Earlier, it was difficult to maintain a traditional register for attendance but digital attendance has freed us from these hassles,” said the SSP.
The training of police personnel is being done in multiple phases, with the first two phases already completed.