Uttar Pradesh: The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath on Monday said that authorities have completed all the preparations for the Maha Kumbh Mela added around 1.50 crore people are expected to take a holy dip on the first day of the religious festival.
Sharing a post on X, Yogi Aditiyanath shared “On the first bathing festival today, 1.50 crore Sanatan believers took bath in the pious Triveni and accrued ‘punya’ benefit,”.
He thanked people who contributed to the success of the first day of ‘snan’ at Maha Kumbh.
“Hearty congratulations to all the saints and devotees who have got the chance to take a dip in the Sangam on ‘Paush Purnima’ in the auspicious festival ‘Maha Kumbh’. Heartfelt thanks to Maha Kumbh Mela Administration, Prayagraj Administration, UP Police, Municipal Corporation Prayagraj, Swachhagrahis, Ganga Sevadoots, Kumbh Sahayaks, socio-religious l organizations and voluntary organizations who contributed to success of the bathing festival,” he said. May the good deeds bear fruit, let us go to the Maha Kumbh,” he said.
The Maha Kumbh-2025, which is Poorna Kumbh is taking place from January 13 to February 26, 2025.