Mumbai: Actor Rajpal Yadav has issued his first statement after receiving death threats allegedly originating from Pakistan. The actor confirmed that he has reported the matter to the authorities, with an FIR now lodged at the Amboli Police Station in Mumbai. The threats were reportedly delivered via email from a sender identifying as “Don.”
Speaking in an audio statement, Yadav expressed his decision to refrain from commenting further on the incident, citing the ongoing investigation. He stated, “I have informed both the cybercrime department and the police. After that, I have not spoken to anyone about the matter.”
The incident reportedly occurred on 14 December 2024. Following the receipt of the email, Yadav’s wife, Radha Rajpal Yadav, lodged a formal complaint, prompting the police to take swift action. The FIR has been registered under Section 351(3) of the BNS against unidentified individuals.
The threatening email reportedly warned the recipients to take the message seriously and not dismiss it as a publicity stunt. Authorities have confirmed that the email originated from Pakistan, and investigations are currently underway.
Other Bollywood celebrities, including comedian Kapil Sharma, actress-comedian Sugandha Mishra, and choreographer Remo D’Souza, have reportedly received similar threats via email. This situation follows a troubling trend of threats and attacks on public figures in recent months.
Last year, politician Baba Siddique was fatally shot near his Bandra residence, with the Lawrence Bishnoi gang claiming responsibility for the attack. In response to escalating threats, actor Salman Khan has reportedly bolstered his security by installing bulletproof windows in his home.
More recently, actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his Bandra residence, suffering six stab wounds in a shocking assault by an intruder. These incidents have sparked serious concerns regarding the safety of Bollywood stars and other high-profile individuals.
The Mumbai Police have assured the public that they are prioritising the investigation into these threats and working diligently to ensure the safety of those involved.