Mumbai: Actor Randeep Hooda is set to star alongside John Cena in the upcoming Hollywood action film Matchbox. Directed by Sam Hargrave, known for Extraction and blockbuster stunts in Avengers: Endgame and Thor: Ragnarok, the film is currently being shot in Budapest. This marks Hooda’s second collaboration with Hargrave after the success of Extraction (2020).
Produced by Mattel Films and Skydance Films, Matchbox is inspired by the iconic Matchbox toy cars. The film follows a group of childhood friends reuniting to stop a global disaster while rekindling their bond. The ensemble cast includes Teyonah Parris, Jessica Biel, and Sam Richardson.
Back home, Randeep is working on Jaat with Sunny Deol, produced by the team behind Pushpa 2 and will soon start filming for Vishal Bhardwaj’s next project.