Hardiwar: Police on Sunday in Haridwar launched a probe after a saint belonging to the Juna Akhara, residing in Shanti Bhavan located in the Kankhal police station area of Haridwar, was found dead.
Manoj Nautiyal, Police Station Head, Kankhal Police Station while providing information about the incident, said that the police received information about the incident from Shanti Bhavan’s apartment in Haridwar.
He also said that the saint around 70 years old identified as Sureshanand was found hanging from the flat. He had been living on rent at the flat for the past 5-6 months.
The official said that upon receiving the information, the police reached the spot, cut open the outer gate, recovered the body and sent it to the district hospital for a post-mortem examination.
“When we reached the spot, the gate was locked from inside. The fire service team and the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) team were called. Upon cutting open the door, we found a baba, approximately 70 years old and he was found hanging from a fan,” said the official.
The FSL team which was present at the scene collected evidence.
“Prima facie, it appears to be a suicide. He was a member of the Juna Akhara.”