TB Awareness friendly cricket matches to be organized in various cities across country: Anurag Singh Thakur

New Delhi: Former Union Minister and Member of Parliament from Hamirpur, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, on Wednesday announced that TB Awareness friendly cricket matches will  be organized in various cities across India with the participation from MPs, Celebrities, Media and people from all walks of life, to raise awareness about tuberculosis (TB). In a statement.

New Delhi: Former Union Minister and Member of Parliament from Hamirpur, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, on Wednesday announced that TB Awareness friendly cricket matches will  be organized in various cities across India with the participation from MPs, Celebrities, Media and people from all walks of life, to raise awareness about tuberculosis (TB).

In a statement Anurag Singh Thakur stated, “Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has set the goal of making India TB-free by 2025. Recently, we successfully organized a friendly cricket T-20 cricket match in Delhi between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha MPs, as well as another match in Mumbai between politicians and actors. These events saw enthusiastic public participation. 

“To support the TB-free India campaign, we will travel across the country, playing matches and spreading awareness about TB. Just as we are successfully organizing these matches with a clear purpose, we are confident that we will also succeed in defeating TB in India. While we may compete against each other on the field, our real fight is against TB. Our slogan is: ‘We will play, but TB will lose.’

TB does not differentiate based on party, person, country, or language; it can affect anyone. The primary goal of these matches is to defeat TB and spread this message to every citizen.

He further added, “For the recently held match in Mumbai, I appreciate not only the political leaders but also all the actors who actively participated in this campaign – on the field and off the field and helped take this message to the masses.”