Patna: Tejashwi Yadav, the Leader of the Opposition in Bihar, has criticized the Nitish Kumar-led government for its failure to conduct examinations without controversy. He pointed to issues that arose during the 70th BPSC prelims, particularly a disturbance at an examination center in Patna, where candidates reported significant delays in receiving question papers—some as late as an hour.
In a Facebook Live session, Tejashwi expressed that these delays caused considerable distress for the candidates and noted Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s silence on the matter. He also criticized the Deputy Chief Ministers from the BJP for not addressing the issue publicly.
Calling the situation a “sheer injustice and fraud” against students, Tejashwi accused the government of creating an environment where exams are fraught with controversies, citing ongoing problems like question paper leaks. He claimed that the government has consistently failed to uphold fair and transparent examination practices, dating back to the 10th BPSC exam.
The opposition leader highlighted the rising frustration and anger among the youth, warning that this dissatisfaction could manifest in action during the next elections, as they seek accountability for the government’s repeated failures.