Mumbai: Actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times during an attempted burglary at his Bandra residence on 16 January. He was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery and is now recovering at home. Security measures have since been heightened, with Ronit Roy’s security firm managing the family’s safety and CCTV cameras installed at their property.
The Mumbai Police has provided temporary protection for Saif, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and their children, assigning two constables each to ensure their safety when outdoors. Additionally, the Bandra Police Station has increased patrols in the area, including hourly monitoring of visitor spots and enhanced vigilance in the high-profile neighbourhood.
The arrested suspect, identified as Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammed Rohilla Amin Fakir, a Bangladeshi national, was taken to Saif’s home to recreate the crime scene. The police are yet to record Saif’s statement, with further investigations including a test identification parade, pending.