Bhopal: In a heartbreaking incident, three young girls, including a five-month-old infant, lost their lives when a hut caught fire in Baroda village of Madhya Pradesh’s Damoh district. Police reported that the fire broke out while the family was cooking potatoes on a stove inside the hut.
At the time of the fire, the girls’ father was working nearby, and the mother had stepped outside just moments before the blaze erupted. She recounted that when she moved away to speak with her husband, who was about 200 meters away, the hut was rapidly engulfed in flames. Both parents and nearby villagers attempted to rescue the children, but the fire spread quickly, trapping the girls inside.
Upon arrival, police discovered the bodies of two sisters, Janvi (5) and Kirti (3). The third child was found unconscious and taken to a local hospital in Damoh. Due to her severe injuries, she was later transferred to Jabalpur Medical College, where she unfortunately succumbed to her burns the following morning.
The father, Govind Adivasi, mentioned that the cause of the fire remains unknown and noted that their mobile phone was lost in the flames. Authorities are currently investigating the incident to ascertain more details.
Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav expressed his sympathies and announced a financial aid of Rs 2 lakh for each family affected by this tragedy, sharing his support through social media. Investigations are ongoing as officials gather evidence to clarify the circumstances of this unfortunate event.