Indore: A shameful incident has come out from Madhya Pradesh which once again has exposed the hollow claims of women security. In Indore district on Tuesday late night, miscreants brutally thrashed two young army officers and their two female friends who were on a picnic. It is also alleged that those miscreants raped one of the women.
Officials said that the two army officers had gone for a picnic with their two female friends on Tuesday. According to the report, the miscreants gang-raped one of the women at gunpoint. The officer was taken hostage and a ransom of Rs 10 lakh was also demanded. As soon as the police reached the spot, all the accused had escaped.
Lokendra Singh Hirore , in charge of Burgonda Police Station, told media that the two officers, aged 23 and 24, are undergoing training under the Young Officer Syllabus at the ‘Infantry School’ in Mahu Cantonment town. Hirore said that at around 2 o’clock on Tuesday night, 7 unidentified miscreants reached the picnic spot located on the Mahu-Mandleshwar road. They started thrashing an officer and the women sitting in the car.
The station in charge said that the second officer was away from the car. He somehow reported the incident to his senior officers after which the police reached the spot. He said that the miscreants escaped from the spot after seeing the police.
SP (Indore Rural) Hitika Vasal said, “a case has been registered under sections related to dacoity, Arms Act, and rape. Two suspects have been detained. We have registered a case on the complaint of one of the two victim officials.”
The official said that the victim girl had not recorded her statement yet. The remaining six miscreants have been identified. SP Wasal, Additional SP Rupesh Dwivedi, and other officials have launched a search operation in Manpur to nab them till the report is lodged.