Jaipur: Rajasthan BJP in-charge Radha Mohan Das Agarwal criticized former Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, suggesting he should evaluate his performance. He expressed confidence that the BJP would secure more seats in the next election, projecting a target of 160 to 170 seats under Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma’s leadership. Agarwal described Gehlot as appearing defeated, likening him to “a disgruntled cat.”
He extended his best wishes for 2025 and hailed Sharma’s government as the most successful, claiming it has achieved unprecedented development, reduced crime, ensured corruption-free governance, and implemented inclusive schemes over the past year. Agarwal asserted that the BJP’s efforts would lead to a significant majority in the upcoming Assembly elections.
Responding to a question, he stated that the people of Rajasthan have already indicated their dissatisfaction with Gehlot’s administration, urging him to reflect on his government’s shortcomings. He dismissed Gehlot’s comments and challenged him to explain the failures of his government.
Earlier, Agarwal convened a meeting with state officials at the BJP office, presided over by state president Madan Rathore and veteran member Narayan Panchariya. During the meeting, Agarwal instructed officials to ensure the smooth and timely execution of the sangathan parva and discussed preparations for the upcoming municipal by-elections.