Guna: A 10-year-old boy, Sumit Meena, was rescued from a borewell in Madhya Pradesh’s Guna district following an overnight operation involving the NDRF, SDRF, and local police. The incident occurred on Saturday evening while he was flying kites with friends in Pipliya village, where he fell into the borewell and became trapped at a depth of 39 feet.
Upon learning of the accident, local officials and police quickly arrived at the scene. The SDRF team from Guna initiated the rescue, and two NDRF teams from Bhopal later joined the effort. Medical personnel from Guna District Hospital provided oxygen to the boy through the borewell. Rescuers deployed five JCB machines to dig a parallel pit and, after reaching a depth of 40 feet, they manually created a passage to bring him out. Unfortunately, by the time he was rescued, the boy had stopped responding.
Raghogarh MLA Jaivardhan Singh confirmed the successful rescue and mentioned that the boy was transported to Guna District Hospital for treatment. The district administration has not yet provided any updates on his health.
This incident highlights a troubling trend in Madhya Pradesh, where there have been multiple cases of children falling into open borewells. In response, the state government has mandated that all borewells be covered and has introduced strict penalties for borewell owners, including parents of victims. Recent inspections have been conducted to identify open borewells across the state. Prior to this incident, a two-year-old girl fell into a borewell in Vidisha district and, despite a three-day rescue operation involving the Indian Army, she tragically died before being saved.