Jhajjar: Amid the ongoing controversy over Wrestling Federation of India (WFI), Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday visited the Virender Arya Akhara in Haryana’s Jhajjar and also interacted with the wrestlers there. Rahul Gandhi arrived at the Akhara in the morning in Jhajjar’s Chhara village. There he interacted with the wrestlers on their issues and the problems they face, sources said. He also participated in wrestling.
Meanwhile, speaking to the media, wrestler Bajrang Poonia said, “He (Rahul Gandhi) came to see our wrestling routine. He also did wrestling.” Poonia also said that he came to see the day-to-day activities of a wrestler.
Visit of Rahul Gandhi has come at such time when earlier, Poonia returned his Padma Shri award to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Olympian wrestler Sakshi Malik announced retirement. Even Asian and Commonwealth Games gold medalist Vinesh Phogat on Tuesday announced that she will be returning her Khel Ratna and Arjuna Award to the government.
Earlier, Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had met Malik and Poonia in Delhi and said that she will support them in their fight against injustice.