Kanpur: Kalindi Express (14117) going from Kanpur to Bhiwani on the Anwarganj-Kasganj route of Uttar Pradesh escaped derailment on Sunday night. As per police, a conspiracy was hatched to derail the train by placing a filled cylinder on the track. When the train running at a speed of 100 km between Barrajpur and Bilhaur hit the cylinder, a loud noise was heard. After this, the loco pilot stopped the train by applying emergency brakes. Railway and RPF officials have found a bottle with a glass wick, matchsticks, and a suspicious bag apart from the cylinder on the spot.
There was some material like gunpowder in the bag, while a suspicious liquid was found in the bottle. ATS and STF reached the spot late at night and started investigating the incident. As soon as Kalindi Express, which passed through Anwarganj, Rawatpur station, crossed the Mundheri crossing ahead of Barrajpur station at 8:25 pm on Sunday night, the loco pilot heard a loud sound of something hitting the engine.
Uttar Pradesh Police called it an attempt to derail the train. As soon as the police received information, police reached the spot and carried out the investigation. A forensic team was also called on the spot as a part of an investigation. Police lodged the complaint and two people have been detained for questioning.
Earlier On August 17, the Sabarmati Express going from Varanasi to Ahmedabad collided with a boulder in Panki, Kanpur, due to which all the coaches of the train derailed. An iron angle was found near the track. However, there was no loss of life in this accident. The investigation of this case is still ongoing.