New Delhi: Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Chief Mayawati has said that the party will contest the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections independently, with full preparation and strength. Taking to the social media account on X, Mayawati wrote, “The general election for Delhi Assembly will be held in one phase on February 5, 2025. The announcement made by the Election Commission in this regard is welcome. BSP is fighting this election on its own strength with full preparation and strength. It is expected that the party will definitely perform well in this election.”
She highlighted the importance of elections in preserving democracy and reaffirmed the party’s focus on the welfare of the poor and oppressed sections of society. “Elections are the backbone of democracy, and as a party dedicated to the upliftment of the marginalised, we expect the Election Commission to ensure that these elections are free from communalism and other negative influences, including the misuse of government machinery,” she posted on X.
The BSP leader also issued an appeal to the voters, urging them not to be swayed by tempting promises from other parties and to vote wisely for BSP candidates. “It is an appeal to the voters that they should not get swayed by any party’s tempting promises and should use their votes wisely and vote only for the BSP party candidates who are dedicated to public interest and public welfare.
This is where the public and national interest lies and is safe,” she said in her post. Earlier on Tuesday, former BSP leader Madan Mohan along with his wife Sudeshwati joined the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in the presence of AAP MP Sanjay Singh.