Vadodara: A shocking incident has come to light in Vadodara, where the deputy tehsildar (mamaltdar) in a drunken state crashed his car under the Jetalpur bridge. When the Vadodara police reached the spot after getting information about the incident, they had to sprinkle water on the deputy tehsildar to revive him.
The Vadodara city police have arrested the deputy tehsildar (mamaltdar). In Gujarat, the mamaltdar has the power of a magistrate in some cases. Gujarat is dry state and this case of the officer being in a drunken state has become a big issue.
The incident occurred in Vadodara’s Jetpur area where Deputy Mamlatdar Naresh Vankar, in an inebriated state, lost control of his car and crashed under a bridge. The scene quickly attracted attention, and local police were called to intervene.
This incident has raised serious concerns about the conduct of public officials. It also highlights the risks posed by drunken driving, which continues to endanger lives on the road.