A public interest litigation filed in the Delhi High Court regarding the death of three students in Delhi’s Rao IAS coaching will be heard today. In this, a demand has been made to form a panel to investigate the accident. Lawyer Rudra Vikram Singh has filed a petition in the High Court before the bench of Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela.
On the other hand, the students sitting on the dharna from 3 pm on Tuesday have started an indefinite hunger strike. A student sitting on hunger strike, Aman Kumaan, says that the strike will continue until the Delhi government officials, Mayor, Municipal Commissioner, MLA, Water Board officials come to meet us.
The students demand that the way students are being treated here should be changed. So that such incidents do not happen again. He also said that the number of deaths is high, but the administration is hiding it. When water entered the basement, 35 students were studying.
The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has issued a notice to the Delhi Government, Delhi Police and MCD Commissioner on the basement accident of the coaching center. The commission has asked for a detailed report within 14 days. Also, the Chief Secretary has been directed to find out all the coaching centers in the state that are violating the rules.
The commission has said that media reports have revealed that many complaints were made to the officials regarding waterlogging, but no action was taken on it. This shows that the officials were negligent. At the same time, the commission has also taken cognizance of the death of a candidate preparing for civil services due to electric shock in water due to waterlogging in Patel Nagar area.