New Delhi: Former Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren on Friday got bail from the High Court in the money laundering case related to the land scam. He will come out of jail soon. Leaders have started gathering in Ranchi jail. Hemant was arrested by ED on the night of 31 January in this case.
The hearing on the bail plea was completed on June 13. The hearing took place in the court of Justice Rangan Mukhopadhyay for the last three days. The court had reserved the decision after hearing both the parties.
On June 13, advocate SV Raju on behalf of ED said that Hemant Soren cannot be granted bail. He is an influential person. If he gets bail, he can influence the investigation using the state machinery.
In the case, ED alleged in the court that Hemant Soren has illegally occupied 8.86 acres of land in Bargain zone. This is money laundering as per the provisions contained in PMLA-2002.
Hemant Soren’s side was presented by Supreme Court lawyer Meenakshi Arora. She said that there is no case of money laundering in this case. This is completely a matter of political revenge. She said that the land on which ED has talked about building a banquet hall in its charge sheet is just an estimate.
Earlier, Hemant Soren’s lawyer told the court that the 8.86 acres of land on which ED is taking action is not in his name. ED is making a civil case criminal. In such a situation, he should be granted bail on the lines of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal.
At the same time, in the hearing held on June 12, Advocate SV Raju on behalf of ED told the High Court that the 8.86 acres of land in Bargai of Bariatu, about which Hemant Soren is saying that he does not have any information, is actually in his name.
This has been confirmed by Abhishek Prasad Pintu, who was the press advisor of the former CM, in his statement. The same thing has been said by Bargai Zone CO and revenue worker Bhanu Pratap during interrogation.