Jammu: Union Home Minister Amit Shah said on Monday that those terrorists who try to make J&K’s mountains their safe haven will be buried so deep under the earth that they cannot rise again. Addressing a BJP election rally in the hilly Paddar Nagseni Assembly constituency of J&K, Amit Shah said, “From wherever the terrorists come to make your mountain tops (Chenab Valley region) their safe haven, they must remember that our security forces and the brave people of this region will bury them so deep under the earth that they will never be able to rise again.”
He said that he had come to the Paddar Nagseni area for the first time where Mata Machal’s shrine is situated. “I bow my head to Mata Machal and take a pledge that once you make Sunil Sharma (BJP candidate) victorious, I will come to pay my gratitude to the deity. You make Sunil Sharma win these elections and I promise to put the Machal Mata Yatra on the country’s map,” he assured.
The Home Minister said the people of this region have seen terrorism during the 1990s and made great sacrifices and it is in this context that he promises to bury terrorism deep down under the earth. “NC-Congress has made some promises. They said they would release terrorists if they came to power. I promise that so long as Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister of this country, nobody can release terrorists from jails. We have strengthened VDCs (Village Defence Committees) by providing automatic SLR rifles. Let terrorists come from anywhere we will together bury them under the earth.”
“NC-Congress is on one side of these elections and the BJP is on the other side. They say if they form the government they will bring back 370. Under 370 nobody could get reservations in J&K. I am watching the situation closely in Kashmir. Neither Farooq Abdullah nor Rahul Baba are going to form the government in J&aK. They told Gujjars that if Paharis got reservations, the Gujjars would lose their share. We proved them wrong. You had been finding it impossible to see your children become graduates. And today, your children can become collectors and district police chiefs because of better education and reservation. We challenged their dynastic rule by holding Panchayat, urban bodies and Lok Sabha elections. They want to snatch the rights from our mothers and sisters if they come to power and you have to ensure that our mothers and sisters don’t lose their rights,” said Shah.