Today PM Modi started the Delhi assembly election campaign from Friday with a rally in Ashok Vihar. He called AAP a ‘disaster government’ for Delhi. After that, Former Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal said that disaster has came in BJP, not in Delhi. BJP neither has a CM face nor an agenda. Former CM said – We have done so much work in Delhi that we can count it for hours. In his 43-minute speech, he (PM) could not count any work.
Kejriwal made this counter-attack one and a half hours after PM Modi’s rally. Actually, Modi started the Delhi assembly election campaign from Friday with a rally in Ashok Vihar. He called AAP a ‘disaster government’ for Delhi.
Kejriwal said that there is no law and order inside Delhi. Gangsters are firing bullets, traders are crying and asking for security. The voice is not reaching Modi and Shah’s ears.
He said that I would like to tell Modi ji to tell Shah ji that if he gets some time from making and breaking governments, then he should focus on the security of Delhi. The work we are doing is not a disaster, it is called a blessing.
3 big points of Kejriwal’s speech
It is written in the BJP’s Sankalp Patra that the biggest betrayal happened with the people of Purvanchal. People from Purvanchal come here to study or work. Before 2014, there was no work in the slums of Delhi, it was hell.
In ten years, the Aam Aadmi Party gave them respect by building roads, lanes, drains, CCTV, sewage, hospitals and mohalla clinics for them.
Hardeep Singh Puri ji came in December 2020. He had promised to give ownership rights to 40 lakh people living in slums. In 5 years, 25 thousand registrations have been done. People have started saying that he does not do what he says at all.
PM Modi said in the rally – Delhi has been surrounded by a big disaster in 10 years
PM Modi had targeted the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) by mentioning 9 things during an election rally in Delhi. He had said that Delhi has been surrounded by a big disaster in the last 10 years. By putting Anna Hazare ji in the forefront, some bigoted dishonest people pushed Delhi into disaster. Scam in liquor shops, scam in children’s schools, scam in the treatment of the poor, scam in the name of fighting pollution.
The PM had said that 500 Jan Aushadhi Kendras have been set up in Delhi. 80 percent of medicines get discount. A medicine worth Rs 100 is available for Rs 15. I want to give the benefit of Ayushman Yojana which provides free treatment, but the disaster government has enmity with the people of Delhi. The disaster people are not allowing the scheme to be implemented.