Tikamgarh: A planned operation by the Excise Police in Tikamgarh district, Madhya Pradesh, escalated into violence when members of the liquor mafia attacked the officials. This incident took place late Friday evening in Birau village, under the Digaura Police Station jurisdiction, resulting in injuries to four team members, including Sub-Inspector (SI) Vijay Singh.
The attack was reportedly led by liquor mafia kingpin Santosh Yadav and his family, who hurled stones at the officials and assaulted them with sticks. During the altercation, Santosh Yadav allegedly seized SI Vijay Singh’s service revolver. The injured officials were subsequently taken to a district hospital for treatment.
According to police reports, the raid was initiated after an excise constable, disguised as a civilian, bought a quarter of country liquor from the targeted location. Upon verifying illegal activity, the team moved in to arrest a woman selling liquor. When asked to call her husband, Santosh Yadav arrived with several accomplices and violently confronted the officials.
SI Vijay Singh described the scene, stating, “Santosh Yadav, along with his two sons, wife, father, and two others, attacked us. They threw stones and beat us with sticks. Santosh Yadav then took my service revolver. We had to escape to save our lives and notified Digaura Police Station.”
The injured team members comprise Excise Constables Prahlad Prajapati, Virendra Vishwakarma, and Mahendra Rai.
In response to the assault, police have heavily fortified Birau village to capture the suspects, who are still on the run, including Santosh Yadav and his accomplices. The excise officials confirmed the attack, noting, “Our team was in Birau village to combat illegal liquor sales when they were assaulted. Reinforcements were dispatched from Digaura Police Station immediately after we received news of the incident.”
Authorities have launched a search mission to locate the stolen service revolver and apprehend the suspects. This incident has heightened concerns about the safety of enforcement officials combating the significant illegal liquor trade in the area. Investigations are ongoing.