Uttar Pradesh: Ahead of Maha Kumbh 2025 the railway authorities in Uttar Pradesh have announced plans to provide special medical facilities at railway stations in Prayagraj to ensure the health and safety of pilgrims during Maha Kumbh 2025.
Official sources said that these facilities include 24×7 observation rooms to provide quick and effective medical service in case of any emergency.
Indian Railways’ Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO) on Saturday announced these facilities and mentioned that certain people have a particular diet they follow, or are already taking medication, making it important to provide proper medical assistance.
“A lot of people come for the Maha Kumbh, and there are many people who insist that they will only eat something after they have had a bath, or that they are already taking some kind of medication. Even due to the large crowd and the winters, there is a possibility of a problem occurring. So Indian Railways is alert for all those things,” CPRO Shashikant Tripathi said.
During the last Maha Kumbh in 2019, first aid was provided to one lakh devotees, and assistance was given to around 3000 people in critical condition. Tripathi also mentioned that due to preparations, no casualties were reported.
“This time too, we are ready fully to provide the facilities and the railways will have a medical booth in every platform,” CRPO Tripathi said.