New Delhi: In the NEET UG paper leak case, CBI has filed its first chargesheet. CBI in the chargesheet filed has named 13 accused. The CBI took over the investigation on 23rd June and 40 accused have been arrested so far in the investigation.
CBI in the release named the 13 accused as Nitish Kumar, Amit Anand, Sikander Yadvendu, Ashutosh Kumar-1, Roshan Kumar, Manish Prakash, Ashutosh Kumar-2, Akhilesh Kumar, Avdesh Kumar, Anurag Yadav, Abhishek Kumar, Shivnandan Kumar and Ayush Raj. A case has been registered against the accused under 120-B, 201, 409, 380, 411, 420 and 109 IPC and substantive offences.
It may be recalled that this case was initially registered at Shastri Nagar Police Station, Patna on 05.05.2024 and later transferred to CBI on 23.06.2024. CBI during the investigation has utilized advanced Forensic Techniques, Artificial Intelligence Technology, CCTV footage, Tower location analysis, etc. to gather evidence against the accused.
CBI is continuing further investigation against other accused/ suspects and on other aspects of the case. Several other accused are already in police/ judicial custody.
As and when further investigation against these accused/ suspects is complete, supplementary charge sheet(s) will be filed. CBI has, so far, arrested 40 accused in this case including 15 arrested by Bihar Police and conducted searches at 58 locations. Investigation is continuing by CBI on day to day basis.