New Delhi: In a massive crackdown, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Saturday carried out searches at over 44 locations in ISIS conspiracy module case. NIA sources said that the agency sleuths are carrying out searches at over 44 locations since early morning in Karnataka, Maharashtra and other locations. The source said that several locations in Thane, Pune, Mira Bhayander are also being searched. The NIA has registered a case earlier this year in connection with the ISIS conspiracy case.
As per updates, In an early morning swoop, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) teams raided at least 43 locations in Maharashtra, and one in Karnataka in the ongoing probe into the ISIS terror modules conspiracy case, and detained at least 15 persons, official sources said here.
The NIA is understood to have bared a deeper conspiracy with international ramifications and terror links, and the involvement of ISIS handlers based in foreign locations.
The probe has also unearthed a complex network of people engaged in propagating the ISIS terror ideology within India and luring youth to its fold.
The network has reportedly sworn allegiance to the self-proclaimed Caliph (head) of ISIS and was preparing Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) to carry out terror acts in India through its operatives.
More raids and detentions or arrests are likely as the investigations progress in the state, the sources indicated.