New Delhi: Tuesday (25 June) is the second day of the first session of the 18th Lok Sabha. Today 281 MPs including Rahul Gandhi and Akhilesh Yadav will take oath. The confrontation between the government and the opposition has increased over the Lok Sabha Speaker. Om Birla has filed nomination on behalf of NDA.
According to opposition MP N K Premachandran, Congress MP K. Suresh has filed nomination against Birla for the post of Lok Sabha Speaker. For the first time in the country, election will be held for the post of Speaker. Voting for the post of Speaker will be held on 26 June at 11 am.
Rahul Gandhi said – Congress President received a call from Rajnath Singh for support for the Speaker. The opposition has clearly said that we will support the Speaker, but the opposition should get the post of Deputy Speaker. Rajnath Singh had said that he would call again, however the call has not come yet.
If Birla wins, he will be the first BJP MP to become Speaker again
Om Birla is the NDA candidate for the post of Speaker again. Om Birla, MP from Kota, Rajasthan, has been the Speaker from 2019 to 2024. If he wins, he will be the first BJP MP to hold the post of Lok Sabha Speaker for the second consecutive time. If he completes his term, he will equal the record of Congress’ Balram Jakhar.
In fact, Balram Jakhar has been the Lok Sabha Speaker twice in a row from 1980 to 1985 and 1985 to 1989. He completed both his terms. Apart from these, leaders like GMC Balayogi and PA Sangma became Lok Sabha Speaker twice, but could not complete the tenure of 5-5 years.
Akhilesh Yadav said- Deputy Speaker should be from the opposition.