Fifteen individuals sustained injuries during the annual ‘Hingot war’ in the Gautampura region of Indore, Madhya Pradesh, on November 2. This traditional event occurs each year the day after Diwali and attracts many participants who engage in tossing “burning arrows” at one another, viewing it as both a cultural practice and a demonstration of bravery..
Srinagar: In an encounter on Saturday in Anantnag district of Jammu & Kashmir, two unidentified terrorists were killed while clashes continued between security forces and militants holed up in downtown Srinagar. Officials reported that the militants were neutralized in the Larnoo forest area of Shangus, with their identities expected to be confirmed after the operation.
On Saturday, Mohan Yadav, the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, celebrated ‘Govardhan Puja’ at his residence in Bhopal, offering greetings to the state’s residents. During the festivities, he also fed cows at a gaushala located on the CM House grounds. CM Yadav emphasized the significance of culture in our festive traditions, stating that every celebration.
In October, India’s coal production totaled 84.45 million tonnes, reflecting a 7.48 percent increase from 78.57 million tonnes in the same month the previous year, as reported by the Ministry of Coal. Captive and other entities also reported strong performance, producing 16.59 million tonnes in October, a significant rise from last year’s 11.70 million tonnes,.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has launched India’s first analog space mission in Leh, Ladakh, marking a significant advancement in the country’s space exploration initiatives. This mission, led by ISRO’s Human Spaceflight Centre, collaborates with partners including AAKA Space Studio, the University of Ladakh, and IIT Bombay, receiving support from the Ladakh Autonomous Hill.
On Friday, two migrant laborers were shot by terrorists in the Budgam district of Jammu and Kashmir, marking the second targeted attack on non-locals in Central Kashmir within the past 12 days. The injured, 25-year-old Sofiyan and 25-year-old Usman Malik, both from Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, have been taken to JVC Hospital Bemina in Srinagar; their.