New Delhi: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Saturday said that the state government will construct 100 houses for victims of the landslide-hit Wayanad in Kerala. In light of the tragic landslide in Wayanad, Karnataka stands in solidarity with Kerala. I have assured CM Shri @pinarayivijayan of our support and announced that Karnataka will construct 100.
Taking action against the accused of the Ayodhya gang rape case, the district administration has demolished the bakery of Samajwadi Party leader Moeed Khan, accused in the gang-rape case of a 12-year-old girl in Ayodhya. On Saturday, Food Safety Department officials raided the bakery of accused Moeed Khan. The officials seized the items being made.
Wayanad: The search and rescue operations in Kerala’s Wayanad entered the fifth consecutive day on Saturday. Teams of the rescuers are working continuously as several people are still feared trapped in the debris. The death toll in the massive landslides that occurred on July 30 in Chooralmala and Mundakkai of Wayanad now stands at 340.
New Delhi: The central government has removed Border Security Force (BSF) Chief Director General Nitin Agarwal and Deputy Special Director General Yogesh Bahadur (YB) Khurania from their posts late on Friday night. Both have been asked to report to their respective home cadres (Nitin Agarwal to Kerala and Khurania to Odisha). According to media reports,.
New Delhi: Manuj Kathuria, the SUV driver arrested in connection to the death of three UPSC aspirants at the basement of a coaching centre in Delhi’s Rajinder Nagar was released from the Tihar jail on Friday after Delhi’s Tis Hazari court granted him bail. It was alleged that he drove his vehicle in a rash.
Bachchan firmly stated, "Sir, only Jaya Bachchan would have sufficed," highlighting her concern about women being identified solely by their husband's names.