Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Lok Sabha MP Anurag Thakur took a jibe at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s statements on Mahabharata and Chakravyuh and said that some people are ‘accidental Hindus’ and their knowledge of Mahabharata is accidental too. The BJP leader was speaking during the discussion on the budget in the monsoon session of Parliament.
A public interest litigation filed in the Delhi High Court regarding the death of three students in Delhi’s Rao IAS coaching will be heard today. In this, a demand has been made to form a panel to investigate the accident. Lawyer Rudra Vikram Singh has filed a petition in the High Court before the bench.
On Tuesday, 225 army personnel were sent from Kannur to Wayanad. 2 Air Force helicopters were also sent for rescue, but due to rain they had to return to Kozhikode.Rahul Gandhi Priyanka
Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, stated that as the beginning of this year's monsoon has been affecting these regions, the EU is stepping up its assistance to the affected population.
The minister said the decline in terror incidents in Jammu and Kashmir is the result of the "zero tolerance" policy of the central government against terrorism.
Mohali (Punjab): A Mohali court has sentenced Jagdish Singh Bhola, a former Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and kingpin of a major drug racket, to 10 years in prison in a high-profile money laundering case. The court also imposed a fine of ₹50,000 on Bhola, with the stipulation that failure to pay the fine could.
A recent survey by Google and SmithGeiger noted that 62 per cent of Gen Z fans agree that they are a part of a fandom that no one they know personally is a part of.