Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Hardeep Singh Puri said on Thursday that while 12.5 crore jobs have been created in the Indian economy during the last 10 years only 2.9 crore jobs were created in the 10 years before 2014.
A Delhi High Court judge on Thursday recused himself from hearing NIA's plea seeking the death penalty for Yasin Malik, the chief of banned Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), who is undergoing a life sentence in a terror funding case.
On 8 july 2024 Indian Defence Estates Service meet was held at New Delhi, in which Vice President of India Jagdeep Dhankar praises Dr. Tanu Jain, IDES officer for her handling litigation in Punjab and Himachal.
The stock market is witnessing a decline today i.e. on 11th July. Sensex is trading at 79,600 level with a decline of more than 200 points. At the same time, Nifty is also down by more than 50 points. It is trading at 24,250 level.