New Delhi: The Delhi High court on Tuesday directed the CBI to file a reply on the application moved by Dalvin Suresh, father of a deceased UPSC aspirant, to change the Investigation Officer in RAU’s IAS Study Circle drowning case. Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma issued notice to the CBI and sought a reply. The next date for the hearing is November 27. Meanwhile, the high court has refused to stay the investigation.
The court said that the prayer is beyond the law and the court can’t stay the investigation. The petitioner has moved Delhi High court through advocate Abhijit Anand, challenging the trial court order denying the relief sought.
On September 20, the Rouse Avenue court dismissed the application moved by Dalvin Suresh, father of deceased Nevin Dalvin who died due to drowning in basement of RAU’s IAS Study Circle in Old Rajinder Nagar.
He sought an order for change of investigating officer in RAU’s IAS Study Circle case, investigation by an officer not below the rank of Inspector General, monitoring of investigation and for direction to the CBI to interrogate and arrest the officials of MCD, Delhi Fire Services, Delhi Police etc.
Additional Chief judicial Magistrate (ACJM) Nishant Garg had dismissed the application after hearing the submissions by the counsel for the applicant and the CBI.
“Since this court does not exercise powers under Section156(3) CrPC with respect to directing the CBI to register an FIR and conduct investigation into an offence, this court also cannot monitor the investigation, direct change of investigation Officer (IO) or arrest of persons who might be involved in commission of the offence, since such a power is incidental to the power granted under Section 156(3) CrPC.,” ACJM Nishant Garg said in the order passed on September 20.