Karnataka: The Karnataka Chief Minister on Thursday accused former BJP national general secretary and MLC C.T. Ravi for using derogatory words towards Laxmi Hebbalkar Minister for Women and Child Welfare Laxmi Hebbalkar on the floor of the house during the Session, demands stern action against him. The Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah reacting on the issue.
Ludhiana: In support to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) candidates contesting municipal corporation elections in Punjab the Chief Minister Punjab Bhagwant Mann on Thursday held a road show in Ludhiana. The road show witnessed huge participation of the public who showers flower petals and warmly welcomes the Chief Minister. Addressing the gathering, Chief Minister Baghwat Mann.
Delhi: After BJP files a complaint against Leader of Opposition the delegation of congress MPs approached the parliament street police, accusing BJP leaders for misbehaving with congress chief Malikharjun during the parliament scuffle. The delegation accused BJP of resorting to the theatrics to divert attention from remarks made by Amit Shah. Congress MP Digvijya Singh.
New Delhi: The Union Minister of Housing & Urban Affairs Manohar Lal Khattar on Thursday said that Indian metro is set to become the second largest metro network in the world with 993 km of Metro rail connectivity operational in 23 cities across the country. The minister emphasised that Urban Mobility is an important aspect.
Delhi: After Priyanka Gandhi supported the Chief Minister of union territory of Jammu and Kashmir have backed the leader of opposition in Parliament Rahul Gandhi over allegations of Bhartiya Jananta’s party allegation of pushing BJP MP’s. Omar in a post on X, wrote “I know Rahul, he would not push anyone much less a member.
Delhi: The Member Parliament of Bharatiya Janata party Anurag Thakur on Thursday said that the party has filed a police complaint against the LoP Rahul Gandhi for assault and incitement. The BJP leader told the media that they have filed a complaint under Sections 109, 115, 117, 125, 131 and 351. Section 109 is an.
Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata party MP Phangnon Konyak on Thursday in a Rajya Sabha said that she felt very uncomfortable after opposition leader Rahul Gandhi allegedly came close to her while INDIA bloc leaders protested in the parliament premises. Speaking in the parliament amid slogenning by opposition MP Phangnon Konyak about the parallel protests by.
Delhi: The congress MP Priyanka Gandhi on Thursday said that Home Minister Amit Shah’s statement in parliament on B.R Ambedkar was reality of what Bharatiya Janata party’s thinking about the constitution makers. Speaking with the reporters Gandhi outside the parliament, lashed out at the Bharatiya Janata party and its MPs who were protesting against the.
New Delhi: Prime Minister Modi on Thursday called the Bharatiya Janata party MPs Sarangi and Mukesh Rajput to inquire about their health who had sustained head injuries after an alleged scuffle between opposition and ruling parties in parliament. The controversy comes after Rahul Gandhi LoP allegedly pushed an MP which he claimed had not been.
New Delhi: The congress president Mallikharjun Kharge on Thursday in a letter to Lok Sabha speaker OM Birla said that he has been physically assaulted by Bharatiya Janata party MP’s during the protest over Ambedkar controversy. In his letter Kharge, wrote that their protest march was against the insulting remarks on Dr Ambedkar made by.