New Delhi : Bharatiya Baudh Sangh president Bhante Sanghpriya Rahul condemned the remarks made by Congress national president Mallikarjun Kharge on Prime Minister Narendra Modi allegedly questioning his “faith” in Buddhism.“Mallikarjun Kharge’s remark is condemnable. For the first time in 2014, PM Modi celebrated the birthday of Lord Buddha at Talkatora Stadium, which was the.
Ludhiana : A local leader of Shiromani Akali Dal from Ludhiana Vipan Sood Kaka had left the party and joined Bharatiya Janata Party in presence of BJP state president Sunil Jakhar in Chandigarh on Thursday. Vipan Sood Kaka had earlier come into light around seven months ago in September 2023 when the Income Tax department.
New Delhi: Three former Congress leaders from Punjab who joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) recently, have been provided ‘Y’ category Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) security cover by the central government, according to sources.As per the sources, the Centre has provided the security cover to Vikramjit Singh Chaudhary, Karamjjit Kaur Chaudhary and Tajinder Singh.
Chamba (Himachal Pradesh): While addressing the workers in Sundla, Chamba, Himachal Pradesh Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur on Thursday hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said that the ongoing Lok Sabha elections must elect such a leader who can empower the country and achieve new heights of development.“Narendra Modi is the only leader who can.
Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) : Former Himachal Pradesh Urban Development Minister and BJP leader Suresh Bhardwaj slammed the Congress party in the state on Thursday, claiming that MPLAD money was not released for public development and welfare in the Shimla constituency while the Congress was in power.While addressing the media in Shimla, the BJP leader said,.
Janjgir-Champa (Chhattisgarh): Strongly refuting Congress allegations that BJP would change the constitution if returned to power, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday attacked the opposition party over remarks of its south Goa candidate pertaining to constitutional provisions coming into force in the coastal state following its liberation in 1961 and said this is “insult of.
London [UK] : Overseas Friends of BJP in the United Kingdom (OFBJPUK) organised a ‘Kavi Sammelan’ on Sunday at the Radha Krishna Temple in Stratford, London, informed a press release.The event was meticulously planned and executed by the dedicated members of the Uttar Pradesh and Haryana chapters of OFBJPUK. The event aimed to bolster BJP’s.
Pauri Garhwal (Uttarakhand) : Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday asserted that after 500 years, Ram Lalla will celebrate his birthday within the temple premises rather than in a temporary tent.Addressing a public rally in Kotdwar, Union Home Minister praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for overseeing the temple’s construction and conducting the ‘Pran Pratishtha’.