Jalandhar: In a shocking incident, An 18-year-old girl committed suicide by hanging herself in Jalandhar. The deceased girl was a resident of the Ganga Mandir area of Ferozepur and was living here at Jalandhar Heights with her aunt. Jalandhar Heights is considered one of the poshest areas of Jalandhar city and the shocking incident of suicide by an eighteen-year-old girl has left everyone shocked.
The police took the body into custody and sent it to Civil Hospital Jalandhar for post-mortem. During the investigation, the police have not found any suicide note yet. Police of Police Station Sadar’s Police Outpost Jalandhar Heights is investigating the matter.
This incident took place in the area of Post Jalandhar Heights, which comes under Police Station Sadar of Jalandhar. In charge of the outpost Gurwinder Singh Virk said that the girl used to study in CT Institute in Jalandhar. The girl’s parents were no more and girl committed suicide after hanging her self.
Chowki in-charge Gurvinder Singh Virk said that the family living in Ferozepur has been informed about the incident. After recording their statements today, the police will take further action. The post-mortem of the girl’s body will be conducted today.