In Jalandhar, Punjab, the nephew of Congress MLA from Adampur Sukhwinder Singh Kotli was beaten to death. The police of Adampur police station have started investigating the case. According to the information received, Sukhwinder Singh Kotli’s nephew was present in village Beas. During this time he had an altercation with about 8 boys.
After the altercation, the matter escalated so much that everyone together beat up the MLA’s nephew and his two friends badly. In this the MLA’s nephew died. The deceased has been identified as Sunny, a resident of Adampur. At the same time, two have been injured. The rural police has started investigating the case.
MLA Sukhwinder Singh Kotli reacted on the matter. Expressing concern over the deteriorating law and order condition he said that after a minor quarrel late at night his nephew Sunny, a resident of Beas village, was killed. He added that this matter should be brought before the people that what is the condition of law and order in Punjab and Adampur. My nephew was murdered in broad daylight. It is not possible to tell how much hooliganism has spread.
MLA Kotli requested Jalandhar Rural Police SSP Harkamal Preet Singh Khakh to arrest all the accused in the case as soon as possible. A total of 8 accused were involved in the incident.