Chandigarh: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann will hold an important meeting with the DCs of all the districts of the state today. The said high-level meeting is being held regarding the arrangements for the purchase of cotton. CM Mann will hold a meeting through video conferencing at his official residence in Chandigarh. This meeting will start at around 1 pm. An important decision can be taken on the purchase of cotton after the meeting.
Earlier, a meeting was held regarding the straw arrangement
Let us tell you that a day before, i.e. on Monday, CM Mann had an important meeting with the officials regarding the straw arrangement. In the said meeting, there was a discussion about making farmers aware of paddy. All DCs were ordered to make farmers aware. The Agriculture Department will provide machinery to the farmers, for which the ‘Unnat Kisan’ app was launched.
Paddy procurement will start from today
CM Mann had said that the government procurement of paddy is starting from October 1, i.e. today. The sale of paddy crops will start today. Farmers will be able to sell their paddy crop to the government from today. This decision was taken in the meeting held yesterday.