Jalandhar: The body of a woman wrapped in a blanket has been recovered from under the canal bridge in front of Kalia Colony on Amritsar Highway in Jalandhar. The deceased woman has not been identified. The police have taken the body into custody and sent it to Civil Hospital Jalandhar for postmortem. Initial investigation has revealed that the body is more than three years old as it started decaying already.
The body was first seen by a garbage collector, after which the information about the case was given to the people around. SHO Ajaib Singh of Division No. 1 of Commissionerate Police, who arrived for investigation, said that police are investigating the matter thoroughly, and further action will be taken in the case after investigation.
According to the information received, there were many wounds on the body of the deceased girl. Initial investigation has revealed that the said body was thrown into the canal after the murder by wrapping it in a blanket. The police have taken forensic samples in the case, on the basis of which the case is being investigated.