Farmer’s agitation disrupts trains routes: trains running late by 15 to 16 hours

Due to the ongoing farmers' movement in Punjab, about 69 trains operating towards various cities across the country have been cancelled and 104 trains have been diverted. Every day most of the trains are running late by 15 to 16 hours due to diversion.

Rohtak : Due to the ongoing farmers’ movement in Punjab, about 69 trains operating towards various cities across the country have been cancelled and 104 trains have been diverted. Every day most of the trains are running late by 15 to 16 hours due to diversion.

Due to the farmer’s movement, passengers going outside Punjab i.e. Delhi, Bihar, Jaipur, Haridwar, Hyderabad and many other states are facing problems. Passengers are facing problems due to cancellation of trains. On the other hand, the summer season has also started showing its colors, which is increasing passengers problems.

Passengers are bound to sit on station for hours, Meanwhile, while waiting for the train at the station, there is severe heat and on the other hand there is no arrangement even for the passengers to sit at the station.

Due to lack of tin shed on the platform, passengers are facing great difficulty. In the scorching heat, where the temperature was more than 40 degrees, there was anger among the passengers due to not getting a place to sit.

Due to the intense heat from, it became difficult to even sit on the platform. Railway officials said that Shri Shakti are running late due to the farmers’ movement.

- विज्ञापन -

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