Chandigarh: The Punjab and Haryana High Court has slammed the Punjab government for not releasing funds to private hospitals under the Ayushman Bharat Yojana despite receiving Rs 350 crore from the Centre. The court also ordered Punjab Government to attach the salaries of senior officials including Punjab Health Department Principal Secretary Kumar Rahul.
In its detailed order, the court said, “The state government, after receiving funds for a specified purpose, is the custodian of the said funds only to release them to the actual beneficiaries and pay the dues to the citizens and the actual recipient.” The amount cannot be allowed to be retained for misusing the said grants at cost, the order further added.
The High Court further sought an affidavit from the state within two weeks. The court said, “Generally any such action requires a strict injunction against the erring officials who misdirected the funds and diverted it for unauthorized use. However, before proposing any action, it is considered appropriate to take detailed feedback from the state regarding the financial return received from the Center to Punjab since December 2021 and how that money has been utilized. The affidavit will also state whether the amount received from the Center for payment of Ayushman Bharat can be used for the said purposes (for which the amount is used.”
The court asked the state to disclose the payments made in lieu of bills from December 30, 2021, to September 24, 2024 and the date of release of payments. Other officials whose salaries have also been attached include Chief Executive Officer Babita, Director Deepak and Deputy Director Sharanjit Kaur, State Health Agency, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Punjab.
Justice Vinod S. Bhardwaj issued these orders while hearing a petition filed by the Indian Medical Association Punjab and others. The petitioner, which is a hospital/medical institution registered under Ayushman Bharat Yojana, had approached the High Court to pay its dues. Listed hospitals are admitting patients under this scheme and claiming medical expenses before the State Health Agency (SHA) Punjab.