Tarn Taran: In Fatehabad town of Tarn Taran, thieves targeted the house of a woman judge just 400 meters away from the police station and absconded after stealing jewelry worth about Rs 35 lakh kept in the house. The theft was captured on the CCTV camera of the house, but the police are still empty-handed. The police have registered a case in this regard, and the thieves are being searched.
Dr. Rahul Singh Josan, who lives in Sardara Mohalla in Fatehabad town of Tarn Taran, told me that his wife, Parneet Kaur, is a judge and his father is a doctor. His father, Dr. Balbir Singh, had gone to the clinic. At around noon, two thieves enter the house by jumping over the main gate, and one of their accomplices waits for them outside the house on a bike. After this, both the thieves break the door of the room to reach the rooms of the house and reach the locker room, where they steal all the jewelry from the cupboard and abscond. After getting information about the incident, he informed the police. The police are investigating the matter.
Lakwinder Singh, in charge of the concerned police post, who is investigating the matter, said that a case has been registered regarding the incident, CCTV footage has been obtained, and the thieves will be arrested soon.