There was a stir due to the information of bomb in Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) Bhawan, Chandigarh Industrial Area Phase-1. As soon as the information was received, SP City Geetanjali Khandewal, police station in-charge Inspector Jaspal Singh and bomb detection squad reached the spot.
For security reasons, the dummy bomb was kept in a sand bag truck and taken to Police Line Sector-26 with the pilot and escort team of PCR vehicles, where it was safely defused. Later it was found out that it was a mock drill conducted by the police in view of the preparations for Republic Day. This is how the search operation went on During the mock drill, the BBMB building was surrounded from all sides by the commandos of the Operations Cell and the building was evacuated.
After this, the House Intervention Team (HIT), Bomb Detection Squad and Dog Squad (K-9) of the Operations Cell conducted a joint search operation. During this, a dummy bomb was successfully recovered from the video conferencing room. Teams and resources involved in the mock drill Quick Reaction Team (QRT) and Sniper Team of Operations Cell, Drone Team, PCR Vehicles (including Trauma), Traffic Wing Vehicles (Zebra-208 and Towing-2), GMSH-16 and Police Hospital, Ambulances of Sector-26, Fire Station, Fire Tender from Industrial Area Phase-1 and Hydraulic Platform from Sector-17, Civil Defense Team, Mobile Forensic Team, Local Police Station Teams were involved.
Checking of security arrangements through drill According to police officials, this mock drill was organized to review security preparations due to Republic Day. Its purpose was to check the preparedness of the police and related departments in possible emergency situations.