Now treatment of heart patients becomes easy in Chandigarh PGI: Blood clot removed through machine

Now treatment of heart patients will become easy in Chandigarh PGI with foreign machine. For the first time, the foreign machine Penumbra CAT RX has been used in Chandigarh PGI. This machine belongs to an American company.

Chandigarh: Now treatment of heart patients will become easy in Chandigarh PGI with foreign machine. For the first time, the foreign machine Penumbra CAT RX has been used in Chandigarh PGI. This machine belongs to an American company.

With its help, blood clots are removed from those patients who have blood clots and are at risk of heart failure. This machine came to India about 2 to 3 months ago. For the first time in Punjab and Chandigarh, PGI cardiologist Himanshu Gupta has saved the life of a 60-year-old man with this machine.

PGI cardiologist Dr. Himanshu Gupta told that patients who have a problem of blockage in the vein need to insert a stent. But before inserting a stent, the blood clot inside the vein has to be removed to open the blockage. Earlier this work was done manually. Due to this, there was a problem in removing large size clots. But with the help of this machine, even the biggest blood clot can be removed.

Machine has saved 20 to 25 lives so far

Doctor Himanshu Gupta says that so far 20 to 25 lives have been saved with the help of this machine across the country. The use of this machine has started in India only two to three months ago. But it was not used in Punjab and Chandigarh till now. The success rate of this machine is 95%. Now saving a myocardial infarction patient has become easier than ever.